NeoPixel Stick 8x5050 RGB LED+Integrated WS2812 driver led strip stick 8-bit PWM
PKR 150
Items Discontinued
PKR 100
A2212 2450KV Outrunner Brushless motor + Parts soldered tplug BLDC
PKR 1600
Bubble Spirit Level Circular Bullseye Inclinometer measuring level
PKR 600
10x15cm double Sided PCB Copper Clad Laminate Board fr4
PKR 200
Pair of N50 DC motor with propellers 3.7V Aircraft
PKR 480
1A DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Module Full-bridge Driver 3D printer CNC 4A peak
PKR 300
Solenoid JF-1253B 6V 450mA 10mm Pull Open Frame Wired Electromagnetic Linear
PKR 3360
6F22 9V Battery Multimeter Microphone Toy Remote gallon type battery
PKR 120
mini craft DIY claw hammer CKL-010 for students
PKR 144
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