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 1Bit Digital 7 seven segment 0.5" inch Red LEDs common cathode
1Bit Digital 7 seven segment 0.5" inch Red LEDs common cathode
SKU : 7S0.5N-B88F11A
Stock : 650pcs
Price:PKR 40.00
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Common cathode 1Bit Digital Tube 7 seven segment 0.5" inch Red LED Display

LED Color: Red
Forward Current: 25 mA
Wavelength: 570 nm
Forward Voltage: 2.2 V
Supplied voltage 5V with 220 ohm to 1 K ohm resistor to limit current

7-segment displays provide a convenient way of displaying numerical information from zero to nine as they basically consist of a load of light emitting diodes connected together within a single indicator package. Each light emitting diode (called a segment) is illuminated using an electrical current, and by illuminating various combinations of segments so that some segments will be turned “ON” and emitting light while others will be turned “OFF” we can display individual characters or numbers.

As its name suggests, a 7-segment display consists of seven segments, meaning it consists of seven light emitting diodes or LED’s, which together can be used to form one complete digit on the display.

Actually, most 7-segment displays contain eight internal LED’s as the eigth one is used for a decimal point, usually in one of the bottom corners of the display.

For common cathode make GND pin ground. Only make one GND pin ground leave the other empty because both the GND pins are shorted.
Apply +5 volts to dp(decimal/display point) pin in series to a 510 ohm-1k ohm resistor to limit the current. If you want it to illuminate for ever apply +5v. If you want to control dp(decimal/display point) led than connect it to some control system, microcontroller etc.
Now if your small circle led lit’s it means that your seven segment is properly working and now you can use it. 
In Common cathode led’s anode(+) side’s are connected to a,b,c,d,e,f,g pins of seven segment display.
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