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 Muscle signal sensor EMG Sensor for Arduino Raspberry pi
Muscle signal sensor EMG Sensor for Arduino Raspberry pi
SKU : MS-D76
Stock : 5pcs
Price:PKR 5200.00

The Advance Technologies EMG Muscle Sensor V3.0 With Cable And Electrodes will measure the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source. Power supply voltage: min. +-3.5V.
This Muscle Sensor v3 from Advancer Technologies measures, filters, rectifies, and amplifies the electrical activity of a muscle and produces an analogue output signal that can easily be read by a microcontroller, enabling novel, muscle-controlled interfaces for your projects.
Specifications and Features: The diameter of Electrode Pad: 52 mm Cable Length: 2 feet Weight: 30gm. Improved adjustable gain (more rugged) Onboard port for our new cables Connects to the board straight out of the box The reduced voltage needed (+-3.5V)
Wiring Instructions: To use this sensor, the user must have three electrodes connected to the subject’s body. The reference electrode should be placed on an inactive section of the body, such as the bony portion of the elbow, shin or forearm. This electrode should be connected to the black or brown cable. The two other electrodes should be placed along the muscle selected to be measured. The second electrode should be placed along the mid-length of the muscle; this electrode should be connected to the red cable. The last electrode should be placed at the end of the muscle and connected to the blue cable. Finally, connect pin SIG to an analog input pin of your microcontroller and the GND pin to the ground pin on your microcontroller.   WARNING: As an inherent risk associated with electrical component work, improper use of this sensor could cause harm to the subject. If underage, do not use without adult supervision.
WARNING: This sensor is not intended for use in the diagnosis of a disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation treatment, or prevention of disease, in a man or other animals.

detecting the electromyogram (EMG), measuring muscle activity has traditionally been used in medical research, however,
With shrinking but more powerful microcontrollers and integrated circuits advent EMG power Road and sensors can be used for various control systems.
Sensor will measure filtering, rectifying electrical activity of the muscle output 0-Vs volts, the output size to take
Depending on the amount of muscle activity is selected.
Easy to use controller detects muscle activity
Designed for Microcontrollers
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Breadboard compatible
Power supply voltage: + -9V dual power supply, minimum + -3.5V 
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