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 Breadboard 830 points Dual Power Rail MB102 project prototyping board
Breadboard 830 points Dual Power Rail MB102 project prototyping board
SKU : BB830-D29S4
Stock : 42pcs
Price:PKR 250.00
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This a solderless breadboard with two dual power rails and 830 points in total.

There are 630 points and 200 for the power rails.

There’s two rows of power rails on each side that allows you to have different voltages on each rail. For example, 5v and ground on one side and 3.3v and ground on the other side.

The breadboard has a sticky pad on the back, to stick to any surface so the board does not move.

You can connect multiple breadboards horizontally.

Our power supply module with this breadboard is perfect to add extra power to your projects. You can also connect a 9v battery into the power supply with our battery clip (not included).


Points: 830 ( 630 + 200 )
4 independent power rails ( two each side )
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