High pressure water pump 12V piston Used
SKU : P12V3-D109S5
Stock : 2pcs
Price:PKR 900.00
See this product in video click on the following link: https://youtu.be/VdQlsX1FIR8
Japan's Nedco High pressure water pump 12V piston. Used. Builtin Driver controller circuit.
The motor is Equiped with speed control circuit and driver circuit, with worm gear box and piston to increase the pressure,
wiring configurations:
1. White wire is PWM signal
2: Blue wire is motor start
3.Black wire is GND
4.Yellow NC
5: Pink wire is motor direction
6. Red wire is 12V positive
if you do not want to chnage the speed and direction. then just connect White, Blue and Red to 12V and Black to GND.
the PWM pin can be connected with Arduino PWM pins or any other MCU to control the speed and pink wire can be used to chnage the direction of motor.