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 MSM1 38 Sound voice music tune module Built In audio Arduino module
MSM1 38 Sound voice music tune module Built In audio Arduino module
Stock : 210pcs
Price:PKR 200.00
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MSM1 is intelligent 38 Sound module with Built-in 0.5W audio amplifier, MSM1 can be used stand alone, and also it can be easily used with arduino board just with one wire. To connect it you just need one wire to any arduino digital pin, optional capacitor value 47uF to 1000uF on VCC and GND to MSM1, a speaker 0.25W, suitable is 0.5W 8 ohm, it can also work with 1W speaker. MSM1 have built-in 0.5W Audio amplifier. to further amplify the sound of MSM1 one can use transistors or audio amplifier module, but with 0.5W 8 ohm speaker the sound is pretty loud and clear.
there are countless application for MSM1, it is widely used in toys, vehicles, home appliances, medical equipments, door bells, FYP, mini projects, security modules etc...

Size: 1x1 CM or 10mmx10mm
Voltage: 4 to 5V DC
working: single wire arduino interface, and stand alone.
sounds: 38 different sounds
Speaker: 0.5W 8ohm speaker is suitable (sold separately)

for the software part you need to download MSM1 Arduino Library 

Example 1: testing MSM1 module with arduino click here:
Example 2: Loop all sounds available os MSM1:
Example 3: Change sound and volume through input switches on arduino
Example 4: MSM1 Stand alone without arduino,

Later we will add two more useful examples 
1: Serial input with MSM1 and Arduino 
2: MLCD1.0, MSM1 and arduino all together.

1: speaker is needed you can find it here :
2: capacitor is optional you can find it here:

MSM1 contains below 38 sounds
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 E
5 F
6 G
7 1
8 2
9 3
10 4
11 5
12 6
13 7
14 8
15 9
16 Ding dong asalam o alikom.wav
17 Door bell.wav
18 ding dong loud door bell.wav
19 Air flow music.wav
20 Next
21 Back
22 Forward
23 Stop
24 Play
25 good afternoon
26 good morning
27 good night
28 attention
29 battery low
30 bell service desk press
31 bell service disk ring slightly broken
32 confirm
33 device connect
34 device disconnect
35 Error device failed to connect
36 goodbye
37 Thank you human voice call centre telephone recording
38 welcome
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