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 DPDT toggle switch actuator motor controller polarity reversing CW CCW H bridge
DPDT toggle switch actuator motor controller polarity reversing CW CCW H bridge
Stock : 46pcs
Price:PKR 300.00
DPDT toggle switch actuator motor controller polarity reversing switch CW CCW rotation control

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This is a switch designed for motor or actuator to rotate CW turn off and rotate CCW, there are three stages of this switch, in the middle it will be OFF no supply at output, on left it will provide +ve and -ve turning motor clockwise CW, and the right side it will provide -ve and +ve at output turning motor Counter clockwise CCW.

also it can be used for actuator to expand travel or open, turn off when switch at the middle, and shrink or close when switch is pulled at the other side.

Reversing DC motors requires a specific type of switch, namely a DPDT (double pole, double throw) switch (center off) wired in what is known as an 'H Bridge' configuration (pictured at right), so called because the current flow looks like the letter H when you look at a schematic diagram. The 4 upper and lower poles are cross-connected and the motor and power supply are attached as shown in the picture.

Suitable voltage: 5V , 12V , 24V and 48V
Suitable current: 6A
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