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 12V STC-3028 Thermometer Hygrometer controller SHT20 Temperature Humidity Dual L
12V STC-3028 Thermometer Hygrometer controller SHT20 Temperature Humidity Dual L
SKU : STC3028DC-F13A
Stock : 19pcs
Price:PKR 2400.00
12V STC-3028 Thermometer Hygrometer controller SHT20 Temperature Humidity Sensor Dual LED Digital

A simple digital thermostat with two output relays allows temperature control from -50°C ~ 110°C with 0.1°C resolution. For example, heating can be connected to one output and cooling to the other. 
Both heating and cooling will then maintain the set temperature on the thermostat. 
The thermostat includes a temperature sensor with hygrometer. 
The power supply is 12V AC. Controlled Load can be 220V or 12V.

The thermostat can control the temperature and humidity. Suitable, for example, for hatcheries and nurseries.

Power consumption: 3W
Temperature range: -50°C - 110°C (0.1°C resolution)
Hygrometer range: 0 - 100%RH (0.1RH resolution)
Temperature measurement accuracy: ±1%
Humidity measurement accuracy: ±0.1%RH
Temperature sensor: resistive NTC, 10kO, 0.5%
Device Power supply 12V, Controlled Load can be 220V or 12V,
Switching contact: 250V AC 10A (with resistive load!)
Relay contact type: switching
Operating temperature: 0 ~ 60°C
Display color: red (temperature), blue (humidity)
Dimensions: 75 x 34.5 x 85mm
Panel hole dimensions: 71 x 29mm
Weight: 142g
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